Looking back over the past year 2012, I recall a visit with my 94 year old father in November which caused me to reflect upon, and more deeply appreciate, how I've come to be here.
During that visit with my blind, and nearly deaf father, he said to me, "I have a story to tell you." To which I replied, "What story is that, Dad?" He proceeded to tell me the "History of how I came to be here," - in the assisted living home in which he currently resides. I knew this "history" well, having been a part of each decision and move along the way, in the timeline he conveyed. Sadly, his memory didn't place me in any of the events. However, I recognize this wasn't the point for him. It was about him attempting to put his life in order as he lay trapped in a decaying body.
The following day, after hearing Dad's "story", I happened to discover
William Bradford's journal,
The History of Plymouth Plantation, while chasing a rabbit trail through cyber space researching family history. You see, my American family roots go deep, back to the Pilgrims and their trip across the big pond. In his journal, spanning some 40 years from 1606-1646, Bradford relates the experiences of those who came to be called Pilgrims, and their plight and history prior to their landing at Plymouth, Massachusetts, establishing Plymouth Plantation.
As I began reading this journal I realized this was also the story of the history of how I came to be here - my American heritage - going much farther back than a few years. The history I began reading spans much more than mere decades or centuries; it spans generations of faith. And, I've come to appreciate in a deeper and more meaningful way, the fact that I am "here" not just in America, but here in faith, by the grace of God and the persistent and tenacious faith of my forefathers. I've discovered a deep gratitude for those who have gone before me, and to the Lord; for surely there were those who, out of the conviction of faith, prayed for the generations who would follow, not only in their family line, but in faith. A humbling revelation and one that encourages me to do the same.
My first reaction to reading such a document was awe and wonder. The strength and conviction of faith which drove these pilgrims through the most trying and difficult of times, withstanding incomprehensible persecution, not only from their own countrymen, but at the hands of others in a near-by nation, when they fled their country for safety, is incredibly amazing. They were imprisoned, killed, burned, among other horrendous acts of inhumanity, all because of their faith in Christ - sadly, nothing new to Christians over the centuries.
Now, I must say, I find many things abhorrent about the Internet, but I am grateful documents such as this are forever "preserved" to be found and read. This is truth. This is history unedited. America is a nation founded on faith regardless of how, as a people, we may try to dodge the subject.
However, America has become a nation prone to rewriting history, leaving out the memory of our founding father's struggle to consecrate a nation founded on faith and freedom in Christ. Documents such as William Bradford's journal reveal the deep conviction of faith held by these pilgrims and founders of our nation. In forgetting, we may find ourselves reliving the very history we've attempted to eliminate.
There is a tide in the nation of America which has turned from God, becoming reliant upon her own strength; a prideful position teetering on a very fine point poised for peril. Within her own "walls", to be "Christian" is becoming, not only a true minority, but derogatory in the eyes of most. We are destroying our own foundation. And without foundation nothing will stand the test of time.
I'm most thankful my foundation and confidence lies not solely on being American but rests upon the cornerstone of Christ; a heritage passed down from generation to generation - more responsibly at times than others - yet remaining none-the-less. I am of the family of God, the nation of the redeemed, from the land of the "free indeed", passing through this world to the eternal home no man has built, but prepared for me by my Creator God. How I came to be here was by His hand, with one purpose, and that is to share with others the heritage of Christ that is available to all who believe, regardless of nationality. It's that simple.
Would you like to join the family?
I realize this sounds like a ridiculous question after discussing persecution and discrimination of the very family I'm inviting you to join. But let's look past American history and view world history. The family of God has persisted where nations have fallen - even to the point of extinction. Nations of this world will come to an end, families will cease to exist, yet God preserves His own. He always has, He always will. This is His promise. He has yet to fail. The reward so much greater.
So, you see, I am grateful for my Dad's "story". It became the catalyst of reflection for my own life. And even though I may be erased from portions of my father's memory at times, I realize I'm never missing from my Heavenly Father's thoughts (that's His promise). My story is a testimony of the history of His work passed down through the ages of time - not of an earthly family but a heavenly one - bringing me to this point where I can see what my future holds.
Won't you join me in this new family?
Whatever your story may be, it has not escaped God's knowledge. Whether a story of faith or rebellion, He understands. You may have become like the nation of America, trying to eliminate God from your history, but He has used your history to bring you to the place where you can see your future. What is that going to be?
Wouldn't you like to join God's family?
If so, just thank God for giving you the opportunity to join His family, for the fact that He has given you a future and a hope through Christ His Son, who by paying the price for all you've done wrong, erased that from His memory, giving you new life - eternal life.
Welcome to the family!
At this point some of you may be thinking,
But what about me? It's hopeless. I have no heritage of faith, no one has gone before me in prayer, no one has even loved me enough to care.
The good news is God has provided exactly for you - Jesus, who died for you has also been the One standing before God in prayer for you. HE is your heritage. HE is your predecessor in prayer, HE is the One who holds faith for you until you are able to receive it for yourself. God loves you THAT much. He loves us all that much. He doesn't want to loose any of us to sin - but it's
our choice.
Just as my predecessors may have prayed the distance for me, it had to be my choice to receive what God has done for me; to appreciate those distant prayers, and Jesus death for me, before I was even aware they happened.
So, you see, it's never too late, too hopeless or too distant for you. The moment is now...
The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100:5