Smoke Free

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I was recently thinking about the presence of God and remembered how much more I became aware of His presence during my time of withdrawal from benzodiazepine. It was a fiery trial for sure. I could have felt utterly abandoned...but I didn't. I could have been left bitter about that experience...but I wasn't. I could have been angry that those I trusted for my physical well-being missed all the signs thus directing my care on a destructive path...but I'm not. Why? Because I would never have experienced God's presence in such a meaningful way otherwise.

I thought about Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego from the Bible. They experienced the presence of God in a way they never would have had they not been tossed into the blazing furnace only to survive - to the amazement of those watching. But not only did they survive they didn't even smell like smoke when they came out! (Daniel 3:27). For me that fact is even more impressive than God having been present with them there in that furnace - also witnessed by those who attempted to kill them. I grew up camping with my family during the summer and I remember the smell of smoke from the campfire permeating our clothing, hair, tent and sleeping bags - and that from just being in the same camp site near the fire. The smell clings to everything! I can only imagine what Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego should have smelled like - yet didn't!

How many times after coming out of a trial or tragedy do we continue on in life with the effects of that experience emanating from us like rancid smoke? Often! We wear those experiences like shabby smokey garments, refusing to take them off and we enjoy making others "feel" the fabric of our misery attempting to gain their sympathy.

Yet when we've experienced the presence of God to that degree - when we've become fully aware of His presence through those difficult places in life - we can walk out of them not even "smelling like smoke", free from the effects that hold the potential to scar us for life. We become stronger and more confident in our faith in God for having had the experience of the power of His presence. You may wonder if God is present then why doesn't He just prevent the trial altogether so we don't have to suffer? Ah, but would we appreciate or acknowledge His presence? I think not. We are too self-centered by nature - but that is a whole other topic.

Are you walking around smelling like the smoke of your trials? Or, wearing the shabby smokey garments of defeat? Do you attempt to attract the attention of others to gain their sympathy rather than drawing closer to God? God says if you draw near to Him He will draw near to you (James 4:8). His presence has the power to keep you from the rancid odorous effects of trials - trials meant to be a proving ground of faith. Then, having become even stronger in faith, you will be able encourage others to stand strong acknowledging the presence of God in their own lives. It's the circle of life on a whole new level.


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