Updates and Observations

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

     I've been silent for a while because, well, I've just been busy. I'm currently working on the third in the trilogy of Benny, Billy and ??? Stay tuned, I will eventually get it up on my blog but first I am going to attempt to finish it, as a personal challenge, for publication - and I don't mean just on my blog. So, we'll see. Either way it will show up here by the end of November.

     I didn't know I would enjoy writing in the spiritual fiction genre so much until I'd finished Benny. But then again, why am I surprised? That's my very favorite genre to read, with Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti making the top of my favorite author list.  Then when Billy appeared,  friends said, "Well, now there has to be a third to make a trilogy!" I laughed at the thought, but revisited the idea concluding, Why not?!

     In maintaining a summer Bible study discipline, I chose to study the book of Revelation. A        quick web search turned up an excellent downloadable study and I began early in May - I'm still at it! It's a 22 week study I'm in no hurry to finish. What a way to get the creative juices flowing, with it's amazing view of the final battle of good and evil. Spoiler alert - good wins!

     As a long time student of the Bible, it is no surprise to me the presence and power of evil, with it's desire to pull others down to destruction. Evil is a degradation and not an elevation of the human spirit. Our base nature so easily leans that way. And, in Revelation, it clearly reveals where the root of evil lies, with the final battle playing out as Satan throws everything he has into his final attempt to destroy mankind. Unfortunately, to some degree, he will be successful. There will be those who willingly follow his deceptions having fully abandoned any faith in God, believing only what they see with their eyes; those whose only desire is to "survive" in this world. Yet, in the end, they will fatefully find there is more to life than just the physical. But, trust me folks, it will get ugly! Unimaginable and unthinkable things are going to happen in that time, and thus reading Revelation makes for good inspiration.

     To me, the most fascinating part of Revelation is John, the author, writing in the year 96 A.D. - making observations of things shown to him in the distant future! Things like the technology we daily take for granted, and possibly things we've yet to see ourselves. Think about it, how would you describe something you've never seen before, and have no clue what it is? That makes Revelation totally science "non-fiction" to John! Just imagine going back in time to the early 1800's, before they even knew what a light bulb was, and attempting to describe all the scientific and technological advancements we currently have. John had the even greater challenge because he didn't know what he was describing. What Satan will have at his disposal in this great final battle is mind-boggling!

     If I were a scientifically-minded intellectual, Oh, the things I could write! But, alas, I'm not, so I write out of what I do know. And I know, of all the resources Satan has at his disposal, his greatest ploy is deception, the blinding of the eyes to the truth. He will use whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

     God does not want anyone to fall prey to Satan's deceptions. He's given us the truth. We either choose to believe it or not. When we willingly turn our backs on that truth, He will only give us so much time to change our minds. Where do you stand today?

God is patient...not wanting any to perish but for all to change their mind and turn to Him.
2 Peter 3:9


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