On The Lighter Side

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Submitted for your enjoyment this Christmas from my alter ego...Penelope.

Penelope’s Paltry Predicament

    Penelope’s previously prickled persona passed in polite pretense as she pondered her prospective purpose. Ah, ha! She proclaimed. A party of perfectly pharoanic proportions would positively placate my pained perspicacity!
    Having made peace with her previous preturberance, Penelope prepared to plan the perfect party, choosing poinsettias as the pivotal point. Pondering the possibilities of pigmentation for said party, Penelope picked a perfectly profound product of the pink pigment – not too pale – as is her preference for the priority of poinsettias.
    Prevailing upon her local purveyor of products, Penelope planned to purchase plentiful poinsettias of said pigmentation. Upon her arrival at the purveyor’s place of production an unplanned pang of her previous perturbation proceeded to persecute her psyche. Proceeding to pace the passages, Penelope’s panic produced premeditations of presently perishing. Such a predicament prohibited the purchase of poinsettias and practically poisoned Penelope’s preference of her previously perfectly pigmented posies.
    Perchance, what purpose would such premeditations present themselves you plea?

    Alas, the plenary of said purveyor’s paltry product of pigmented poinsettias was primarily….leopard print!

    Merry Christmas! And may your holiday's perspectives prevail to point to the true meaning of the season....the coming of the Savior of the world - Jesus!
    And if you don't know who He is or what He means in your life, ask the God of all creation to present HIS gift this year and reveal Jesus to you.
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
2 Corinthians 9:15

Let Go and Hold On

Thursday, November 14, 2013

     I have a favorite Bible verse. You may be familiar with it.

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

     After reading it in several translations, including footnotes, I've written it in the margins of all my Bibles like this:

     "Be still, cease striving, let go, relax, and know that I am God..."

     But there are times, admittedly, when it adamantly reminds me:


     There have been many times in my life when I just can't seem to let go and trust God to handle my problems. I want to get in there and manipulate, maneuver, manage the situation toward my ultimate goal - which seldom is without selfish motives. By "selfish" I don't mean with bad intentions. Selfish, in most cases for me means, when you boil it all down, I'm thinking my outcome would far exceed God's purposes. Because, of course, I would plan the final outcome down to the finest detail, fully intact before I would ever step back and "sit still". A true pit of quicksand to be sure! Because once I've stepped in that direction it's hard to turn back.
     It can be impossibly difficult to be still when everything around you seems to be shaking and crumbling. I know. I live in earthquake country. What is the first thing most people want to do when the ground begins shaking? RUN! That instinct often leads to a poor choice of direction and more harm than had they stayed put.
      Being still is not usually what we want to do. We want to be busy fixing things, making them better. But that is not what God asks of us.
     The next phrase in my retranslated verse is "cease striving". The word "strive" is no longer a common word in the English language. If we were to read it as "struggle against, oppose, or resist" it may help. It's natural for us to struggle against, oppose and resist that which is uncomfortable. Our initial and visceral response is to make the situation more comfortable. But here God is asking us to do the opposite of our natural inclinations - don't do anything when we feel like we need to do something! This is not an easy choice to make. It's counter-intuitive; a term I became all too familiar with some years ago.
     If you've read my earliest posts, you are aware this blog began as a testament to surviving benzodiazepine withdrawal. If not, you can read the full explanation in My Story. In a nut-shell, for me, the weaning process from this drug caused me to become very sick for a few days following each reduction of the dosage, followed by a relatively "normal" few days, followed by a sudden rapid decline. It was that decline which became the signal for the next reduction. Discussing that pattern with my daughter led her to interject the term counter-intuitive. And she was absolutely right. It was counter-intuitive to do something that would make me feel worse when I was getting worse. But it never failed to be the right thing to do. Just as within the context of this one simple verse of the Bible, God is saying to be still, calm and not to struggle - even though it feels counter-intuitive - because He's got my back. Even though at the time taking that step of faith may feel as if I'm stepping into an endless free-fall, God has promised to be there to catch me. He IS God! He will do the same for you as well.
     Next, as if that isn't enough, He asks us to "let go". Our human comprehension screams it's illogical to let go when we don't know what will happen next. We want answers, we want to see what's coming before we "let go". Just try to pry a toy out of the grip of a baby's hand without offering something better - not gonna happen! At least it won't happen without great struggle and loud protest. Isn't that how we respond to God when He's encouraging us to let go of something we've been holding on to? We don't understand how freeing, how healing letting go can be until we've made the exchange because it means trusting Him to supply that which is infinitely better. And what He offers is always SO much better than what we've held on to.
     And finally, He wants us to do all of that while relaxed - without stress, completely calm and quietly. As I see it, there is only one way we can possibly do that, and that is to do it with the understanding from the remainder of the verse....KNOWING that He is God. Knowing that HE is greater than anything a "nation" can provide, and greater than anything on "earth". We can choose to look to human resources or the resources of earth but we will do that to our detriment. God, the Creator of it all, is greater than it all. He has the resources to provide for our every need, doing it in a more lavish and generous way than we can imagine. AND, He has promised to do so. We may renege on our promises but God never does. He can't. It's impossible for Him to go against His nature. Is that comforting or what?
     So when my world is shaking and about to come apart at the seams, I remind myself to be still, cease striving and struggling, let go and relax, knowing He is God, let Him be God, open my hand and release it giving it to Him - regardless of what "it" is. And as the first verse of the same Psalm says, He will be (as He always is) my place of refuge and my immediate help when I need it. If I don't run, if I don't panic, if I remain calm and still, He will be my help...

     Let go of all else...and hold onto Him.

Getting Real

Monday, September 9, 2013


Momentarily facing something which felt unbearable, I jumped on, or rather into, the "Pity Pot" (I admit I went ALL the way in), and began stewing in fear, doubt and self-pity.

So as long as I'm getting real, here’s where I found myself...

Truthful Confession: I'm prideful, helpless, hopeless and weak. I had come to the (prideful)  conclusion, after surmounting an obstacle as large as the one I faced (helplessly) a few years ago, that I could conquer just about anything without fear or doubt (hopeless), knowing the strength I'd discovered was not my own (weak), but the strength of faith in my Christ.

 I failed and here's why.

Without going into the whole history of my medical, physical and spiritual journey (you can read about that in My Story), suffice it to say, I found myself facing yet another trip down the road of withdrawal from a brief need for pain medication due to a couple of medical issues. I knew withdrawal was certain due to the way my body is wired. However, I also knew the medication I had been on does not cause the sever withdrawal symptoms I experienced with benzodiazepines (I wrote an analogy of that struggle called Benny). Yet, in a moment of weakness, I felt as if the ground would quake, open up, and swallow me whole. When in reality it was only going to be a small tremor. Nothing more than one of those annoying speed bumps of life we all encounter. Yet in an easy nano-second I'd pulled out the Pity Pot, climbed in, and gotten comfortable!

How had I fallen so far?

I realize now getting in that Pity Pot was a ridiculous choice because I knew (really knew) I would probably only loose a few nights of sleep and that would be about it...nothing compared to the horrors of benzodiazepine withdrawal. Seriously NOTHING! But I was feeling sorry for myself, I was feeling weak and self-indulgent - the real problem. See the "I's" and "self"? Enough said.

When a song I hadn't heard in years popped up from my playlist my perspective was readjusted as it gave me the proverbial smack upside the head. The song, "He Walked a Mile", by Clay Cross, contains the simple chorus that reset my perspective:

And every time I close my eyes
I see the nails, I hear the cries
He did not keep Himself away
He was no stranger to my pain
He walked a mile in my shoes
He walked a mile

Reality check! A life's totality of pain and suffering does not even come close to the sum of Jesus' pain and suffering; something He did, resulting in His death, not only for my salvation but to identify with me as well. As the lyrics say, He was (is) no stranger to my pain. He knows. He understands. Even Jesus - God Himself - prayed to be released from that horrid experience prior to His crucifixion. Yet He did not turn from it, and now we know He understands my/our weaknesses; not in order to diminish any suffering we may experience, but for us to have an understanding of His compassion toward us. Could He put an immediate stop to our suffering? Certainly! From my personal experiences those which He allows are to benefit and strengthen personal weaknesses which, if left untried, will threaten my faith. And there is nothing more the enemy of my soul likes to do than to strike at my weaknesses.

Suddenly I felt His compassion filling me with a renewed sense of victory. I had to ask myself, If He had given me the strength, faith, endurance and fortitude to withstand benzodiazepine withdrawal, why would He not provide for anything else? A few night's lost sleep and some minor discomfort were nothing! Why was I sitting in the Pity Pot? At that point, if I'd shared my whole story with anyone else, I'm sure they would have looked at me, laughed, and said, "So, explain it to me again, exactly what's your problem?"

That felt precisely like what had happened. The words from the chorus virtually screamed What's your problem?! to me, provoking an instant perspective and attitude adjustment.  Well, maybe it took an hour or so. OK, I'll admit, I had to "chew" on it a while before I realized I'd lost perspective, forgotten the victory and had begun to sink; just like Peter when Jesus called him out of the boat to walk on the water. Just like Peter, I looked at myself and I began to sink deeper and deeper into the Pity Pot.

So, with the strength which only comes from Christ, I got up off (or out of, as was my case) the Pity Pot, refocused on Him, and walked away with not even a trail of toilet paper stringing along behind me...because that's just how thorough my Jesus is!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

What You See In The Dark

Monday, August 19, 2013

I set out to write another short story and ended up with a devotion that begins as if it were a story. It may speak to you or a situation in which you have found yourself at one point in life or another. We constantly battle a nature that is inherently corrupt....well, at least I do. The sin-nature will always attempt to pull us back into the dark state of the unsaved. This style of writing does not in the least reflect the life I live...only the life I am fully aware of. And thanks to the saving grace of Jesus I am able to write about it from the perspective of the redeemed. 

What You See In The Dark

Darkness. Utter darkness. Something about its presence becomes substance once the light has been removed. Something inherently evil.

Have you ever experienced a cave tour when, after reaching the belly of the cave, your guide suddenly tells you to stop and be still, then snuffs out the light? With the flick of a switch, or a puff extinguishing a flame you are plunged into utter darkness. Darkness unlike anything you've ever experienced. And at that very moment you are thankful silence does not accompany the all-encompassing darkness; at least not then. The laughter, the Ooo’s, the Ah’s, the twitters of nervousness, the exclamations of wonder at seeing absolutely NOTHING are your only references to the fact that you are not alone. The chatter of your fellow tourists and gravity maintain your only perspective on lucidity. Without those references you would have no concept of time and space; no hold on sanity.

Have you ever noticed in the dark pain is felt more intensely? Suffering more agonizing? Loneliness more desolate? Darkness can be so cruel; an enigma. It’s capable of giving and taking – both on a grand scale. It robs dignity and gives worthlessness. It steals sanity and fills the void with delusion. It crushes and provokes all at the same time.

So, even though you may “see” nothing in the dark what you experience can be frightful beyond measure. Because with the absence of light darkness reigns unchecked, quickly filling the vacuum the absence of light leaves behind like a flood.

Do you find yourself asking how do I resist this powerful force of darkness and keep it from overtaking me? If it’s that powerful is it even possible to stand against it? Or, maybe you are in a place of darkness right now and feeling hopeless, worthless, fearful and incapable of fighting battles. Battles which surely must be fought to break free from the crushing weight of darkness. You may be thinking you are just too weary to lift the weight of the armor needed to fight, or you are too exhausted even to run from it. Neither do you need to run nor fight. You only need to be able to form upon the lips of your heart one word…


I (Jesus) have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me
will not remain in darkness.
John 12:46

I (Jesus) am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.
John 8:12

Submit to God. Resist the devil (darkness) and he will flee from you.
James 4:7


Monday, May 13, 2013

Unlike the previous two stories, Benny and Billy, this story is not based upon any real event, but  upon the premise: all struggles in life are the result of a spiritual battle between good and evil, with the understanding that God always protects His own.
I hope you enjoy reading Buz.


   Awakening with a start Trace was overcome with a shudder emanating from his very core; he felt somehow…violated. The most blissful sleep he’d had in weeks, no maybe months, or come to think of it, ever, had just been rudely interrupted. Rolling over, he turned a groggy eye toward his cell phone – 4:39 a.m., now wide awake, he groaned, Well, there goes another night down the drain! Tossing and turning in attempt to return to that euphoric state of sleep from which he’d been unceremoniously jerked, Trace finally gave up, threw the covers off with a curse, dragged his legs over the side of the bed, slapped his bare feet onto the wood floor and padded reluctantly into another day; it was 5:14 a.m. - he couldn't shake the sense of violation. It almost felt…unholy.

   Levi harbored no fondness for his minions. They were mere pawns useful only for his purposes - evil as they were - to war against the enemy to whom he’d sworn never to bow his knee. So when the latest offence from one of his minor lap-dogs occurred, he had not a second thought about casting him away to a remote outpost of obscurity. Where never seemed to matter to Levi, but this time it was a sleepy little community tucked away against the coast. He found it odd he’d not been attracted to this little gem long ago due to the fragrance of sulfur bubbling up from the spring in the center of town - Levi loved the smell of sulfur. But that aside, there was no apparent presence of the enemy - virgin territory – and that could play out either way; meaning easy prey, or those dwelling there were the most mind-numbing, uninteresting, prosaic people on earth, apathetic to any intervention.  And in Levi’s world, there was nothing worse than boredom. But this was opportunity and penalty possibly rolled into one. Delicious!

   Levi summoned the little insect into his presence and pronounced the sentence. The look of horror on the offender’s face was almost as satisfying as the sentence itself. The place of exile was always a well-kept secret from ranks of the servile – ever subject to the whims of Levi – until the final judgment. However, Levi, out of his Machiavellian sense of humor, would never relegate more than one offender at a time to these particularly torturous out of the way locations, while simultaneously demoting them to the status of plebe. Oh how Levi loved the power he held over the inhabitants of his world. Wincing in fear, and with a sulfurous poof, the criminal was removed to his place of confinement. Levi laughed, generating the ghastly sulfurous cough – a wicked conundrum - which had plagued him almost longer than he could remember; but remember he did, and it infuriated him. Swearing an eternal vow as he lumbered back to his den hacking and muttering, Feels like I’d cough up a lung! (As if that were even possible). Note to self, he mentally recorded, Find a way to reciprocate.

   Buz opened his eyes to find himself crouching on a precipice overlooking the rocky shore of who-knows-where; his “assignment,” as Levi called it, always attempting a positive spin on his worst edicts, lay below. Even from this vantage point he felt the boredom creeping into his very essence. The command: touch nothing but the dreams of the residents. What fun was there in that! No disease, no death, no destruction. And, he was here until Levi remembered to release him; the nefarious product of Levi’s selective memory, leaving Buz to rot in this tedium for who knows how long. He felt utterly plundered.

   Feeling out of sorts from his commutation Buz took stock of his new condition. Exactly what state did Levi leave me in this time anyway? he wondered, with no way at the moment to fully assess his outcome. Until he knew he must be cautious lest he risk full exposure to…them. Remaining unexposed was key to success. In attempt to transpose himself to a new location but failing to achieve launch, Buz quickly realized he would be living under certain restrictions; he despised Levi’s morbid sense of humor. He never seemed to tire of temporarily diverting his own objectives in order to satisfy his affinity for drama – in his world or theirs. Choosing not to waste further mental effort regarding Levi’s personal conundrum, Buz set off for exploration and surveillance in order to find his subject du jour, while fuming at his prospects for the future. After all, what was the purpose in existing without a game plan? It was getting dark.

   By 10 a.m. Trace was feeling exhausted from yet another night of diminished sleep, and disturbed by the lingering sense he’d awakened to so early in the morning; just one more thing on the pile of troubles which seemed to be his life. He headed to the break room at work hoping to catch a nap on the sofa - as long as Brad hadn’t first laid claim with his massive form, as was his usual M.O. Ah, score! he celebrated, as he slumped into the rolls and valleys of the cushions. Easing his eyelids closed, grateful the others had taken their break on the employee patio, Trace dropped quickly off to sleep after setting the alarm on his phone to vibrate in 15 minutes. With no comprehension of having been asleep, he suddenly awakened, adrenalin rushing, heart pumping, barely able to catch his breath, standing in the doorway of the break room poised to run. Momentarily disoriented, he stood frozen until his senses caught up then, pulling the phone out of his pocket, he checked the time remaining on the alarm – 13 minutes. Incredulous he looked over his shoulder to the clock on the break room wall expecting confirmation that he’d overslept his alarm – 10:05. Two minutes?! I was out for only two minutes? What just happened?

   From his vantage point Buz, the insect that he was, looked down from the upper corner of the break room so excited he nearly lost his grip on the ceiling. I recognize this one! I know him. This is going to be more fun than I anticipated, he mused, reflecting on a past commission. It will come nicely into play, quite useful, considering my restrictions, Buz ruminated, enjoying the recollection. Of all his previous assignments, this form of interaction, though new, was quite intriguing. Uncertain if this was one of Levi’s well-kept secrets or something original he had dreamt up just for him, he didn’t know – the peons aren’t usually privy to the big picture - either way, he was no longer quite as irked with Levi as he’d been. And this with only the most hesitant touch, he twittered, his arthropodal appendages twitching in anticipation. Visions of this being one of Levi’s most insidious methods to date darted across his devious mind. The human psyche is such an interesting playground, and gaining access through their dreams – genius! Buz realized, finding new respect for Levi, And all done without even leaving a trace. At that thought he lost his grip on the ceiling convulsing with laughter, Oh, I kill myself!

   Uttering an abrupt curse, Trace craned his neck around the corner looking into the hall and back to the break room verifying no one had seen what just happened. With a deep breath to calm himself, he thought, It’s just sleep deprivation. Shake it off and move on. Proceeding to get lost in the details of work, he was unaware of the scaly little intruder who was now shadowing his every move reconnoitering for the next event; every move, thought, emotion was being catalogued for future reference. If there was one thing Buz was good at it was stealth – and memory – which was a vast pool of resources just waiting to be tapped whenever and wherever he chose. That pool was paying off, he was beginning to remember more about his past exposure to this one; a serendipitous discovery he hoped Levi had overlooked.

   As Buz reflected he scowled at the one thing his kind found an outrage – omniscience, or actually the lack thereof. There was only One allowed that particular quality. It was an injustice none had overcome – yet. But in the meantime they’d mastered history, using it to their greatest advantage, while usually keeping their prey in the dark; the few setbacks were not to be spoken of among the ranks without risk of personal mayhem. To date no one dared the risk. Buz was thankful his knack for history would prove beneficial once again; evoking a venomous drool of excitement. However, he’d overlooked one small detail back then.

  Away on another plane of awareness, Neariah and Lael simultaneously alerted; senses heightened, swords at the ready, they awaited the call to duty – for they perceived a summons to service would soon arrive. They could feel emanations of the iniquitous pulse even before they knew from where it came. There was no doubt, they would be summoned. And they were ready. Paghaia is at work, they commented in one voice, A special one must be in peril.

   Exhausted and barely able to put one foot in front of the other, work day over and heading for his car, Trace could think of nothing but getting home, crashing on his sofa, and vegging-out the entire weekend. At this point the break room event was nearly forgotten, mostly due to the fog of sleep deprivation, and a strong desire bury it beyond the subconscious; the humiliation and embarrassment never to be made known. Pizza delivery was on speed dial, allowing dinner to be provided with the push of a button, accompanied by the last beer in the frig. The speed of delivery a direct result of having hired Juan, Caesar’s little brother, to mow the lawn. Connections, he congratulated himself, It’s all about connections. Sliding into the driver’s seat of his “vintage” economy car Trace held his breath until the engine turned over with a hearty chug. The drive home was predictable - and short, thankfully. Kicking off his shoes as he entered the living room, sofa in the cross-hairs, cell phone gripped for speed dial, he prepared for an unimpressive weekend. Buz was taking notes, hovering nearby.

   It was no secret that Levi’s intent was full subversion of his enemy’s plan. In his estimation man was a simple being, easily manipulated, which is surely why his enemy chose to interact with them; free-will was not an insurmountable challenge and Levi found muddling the choices heightened his desired effect; insinuating themselves into the subconscious prior to a free-will choice was where the fun really began; the stealth insertion of thoughts, intentions and emotions caused results much more entertaining than outright destruction or death – something those of his world were quite adept at accomplishing. Levi particularly enjoyed teaching his minions the technique he called “cutting the herd”; isolation, whether it be physical or emotional, was a weighty tool in his arsenal of tactics. Once that was accomplished…Well, it was all over but the shoutin’!

   Buz, having learned his lessons well, was not patient - nor were any of his kind for that matter – he wanted to get on with this sacrificial offering, hoping to thwart Levi’s personal muse of casting his condemned into a state of doldrums, while regaining his favor all at the same time. Levi spared no opportunity, he persecuted with impunity, even his own - he couldn’t help himself. However, Buz knew care must be taken. It was walking a fine line when playing the game of mastery against Levi while attempting to redeem oneself. Levi was capable of high praise for a tactic well played but never would condone being made a fool. After all, he had earned his position and ultimately bowed to none – acknowledge, maybe - bow, never!

   Hovering close at hand awaiting the next suitable opportunity, Buz would have made a pest of himself had he been in physical form, exciting as that was it had its definite down side. The invisible realm, even with the imposed current restrictions, was his favorite mode of operation. Levi would occasionally allow the aforementioned distinction, but only at his whim and never without his authority. The hordes were always watching with rapt anticipation awaiting that honor to fall upon one of them. Buz had yet to receive such an honor but was wanting to prove himself worthy. Maybe this would be his opportunity. Salivating a sulfurous froth from the excitement of his next encounter Buz could only wait. And yet…

   Paghaia’s steadfast position was not to be deterred by time or space, aided by Ruah’s faithful companionship; completely obscured his own darkness, Buz was unaware.

   Too tired to care how quickly Caesar arrived Trace aimed himself at the sofa and collapsed, feet draped over the arm at one end, his head resting on the other. Grabbing the TV remote from under last week’s newspaper on the coffee table he applied the point-and-shoot method to arrive at the evening news while resting his eyes. National News Channel’s Cameron Blake was reporting from yet another disaster site following an 8.3 earthquake…somewhere…in…the…

   Buz pounced with lightning speed dipping his spiny fingers into Trace’s subconscious and stirring as if he were wiggling his fingers in the muddy under-waters of a stagnant pond, bringing the sludge swirling to the surface. Trace, sighing heavily, waiting for the knock on the door, relaxed deeper into the calm sensation of floating, relieved at the thought of an entire weekend with no pressures ahead of him. Beginning with pizza, beer and…

   Startled, Trace heard it before he felt it, the deep rumble of an oncoming earthquake; having lived on the west coast he was fully aware of the effects. Bracing himself for the crack followed by the first thrust of the earth, he waited…but nothing - except an increasing roar sounding like the approach of a freight train. Deafening, the roar increased until it reached the grating and shrill pitch of a derailing engine - audibly painful. Trace, hands clasp over his ears, an instinctive attempt to shut out the earsplitting decibels, was helpless as the floor began to lurch under him. The unbearable pain from the din was crushing, he could feel a warm trickle of blood begin to seep between his fingers as his eardrums ruptured. He screamed in agony rolling to the floor with certain death only a millisecond away.

   But then, incomprehensively, rising faintly above the din Trace heard the long familiar voice of his grandmother whispering, Be still, Pedo, and know...

   Stunned by the sound of screams heard from the street as he arrived, Caesar tossed the pizza box, bolted toward the house, up the steps, through the unlocked door, into the living room. There he found Trace writhing on the floor in agony next to the sofa, hands over his ears, screaming hideous death screams unlike anything he’d ever heard before. Terrified by what he was witnessing, Caesar knelt down and grabbed Trace’s shoulders, calling his name, shouting over the screams.

   Shrieking at the touch, Trace cried out, “The train, man, the train! Get out of the way!” At the sound of his own voice his eyes shot open as his hands fell away from his ears. He looked at Caesar, stunned and confused, then at his hands expecting to see blood, there was none. Looking from his hands to the face of Caesar Trace lay unmoving and rigid on the floor, eyes filled with panic as he tried to comprehend the abrupt shift of reality.

   Across the room, watching from the side-lines, Buz was barely able to contain himself with jubilation at his success. What at first seemed to be an extreme restriction he was now finding rather exhilarating. His sinister mind began to whirr double-time with renewed aspirations. He watched as emotions etched their paths across Trace’s face. Ah! Fear, embarrassment, confusion, anxiety, just to catalogue a few, Buz complimented himself, licking his villainous lips in delight. He desired so much more, but for now he must work within his boundaries, experiencing both reverence and disdain for Levi’s ultimate power; the power he and his comrades all aspired to achieve.

   Already plotting his next permeation, Buz observed carefully as Trace recovered his senses. Wonderful things, emotions, Buz reminisced, as he began to recall his previous knowledge of Trace. Ah, it’s all coming back to me now. Childhood, such an impressionable time of life for these creatures. However, I didn’t realize how absolutely delicious the collateral damage would be back then – an investment I didn’t know I was making. Before he could further relish the celebration, Buz felt the unexpected swipe of a sword at his side causing him to double over in pain. He had not seen that coming!

   So swift was the attack, Neariah suddenly found himself on the battleground, sword burning white-hot with virtuous intent, dripping villainous blood - he never seemed to get use to that - all fueled by Paghaia’s powerful and timeless entreaties. However, the exhilaration more than made up for the lack of warning; there were times when no summons was issued – they were just sent. Seeing Lael, his faithful compatriot, positioned at his flank ready with sword poised as if waiting for a pitch, comforted him at times like these; when sending left them momentarily exposed, but never defenseless.

   “Thanks, Lael. You are a faithful defender”, Neariah said. ”Elyon acted quickly once again. This must be another of His prodigals.”

   On either side of Trace, Neariah and Lael adjusted their stance, swords at the ready, armor glistening bright white, looking down on Buz, their fierce and righteous expressions firmly fixed. Buz trembled knowing he was inconsequential in the grand scheme of things according to Levi. His puny little carapace useless, and only a minor pawn, left defenseless and restricted, he prepared for his demise. What I wouldn’t give to let these two goons have a dose of their own medicine! Buz thought self-righteously, not quite ready to give up the fight, his little insect claws quivering with indignant bravado as the swords fell – zzzaaap!

   Levi paused, turning his hideous nostrils to the wind, sniffed in disgust, and thought dismissively, Did I just smell something burning?

Ephesians 6:12-13, 18
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm… with all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.

Copy right 2013 Donna Larsen
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Monday, April 8, 2013

While using the search engine on my computer and not coming up with the answer I was looking for, this thought came to me, In the very core of our beings a "search engine" exists.

You see I was trying to find the truth regarding a certain subject. I needed to separate the facts from fallacy - there's a lot of that in cyberspace. Please, just the truth! I've been tempted to scream at the computer screen.

Haven't you ever wished you could just click a button and have your world fall into place with all the right answers? I have.

I have come to believe we all have, deep within us, an "engine" driving us to find something that makes us feel worthwhile, meaningful or complete. It's inborn. It's undeniable. Are there any who truly have no craving for a purpose in their life? I don't think so. I believe it's a God created drive within us that cries out for fulfillment.

We can see it in friends, neighbors, colleagues, the local grocery clerk; all wanting their life to have meaning - ask them. How many do you suppose would say, I'm looking for a meaningless life. Yet, each one, according to their own circumstances, would have a different definition of what fulfills life...just as there are myriad items that can be typed into a search engine window.

I have found, for the most part, we look to relationships for meaning and fulfillment. I am confident we all have examples of utter failure in that department. Yet few of us have completely given up, exited the human rat-race and sequestered ourselves away in a cave in the remote mountains of some vast wilderness in order to avoid another relationship failure - thought about it maybe. Human contact, to whatever degree we take it, remains a common desire. Within the very nature of our being there is something deeper, a craving for more than just intimate human relationships; a desire for connection with something or someone beyond what our senses are able to comprehend. I believe we are looking for truth.

The Spiritual Connection

And again, according to the nature of human experience, there are numerous ways we seek to find this connection this truth - most having to do with our physical nature and needs. We seek to fulfill through the physical what can only be fulfilled through the heart, the spirit. And that becomes like pouring water into a bottomless well. Impossible to fill. Over time we will begin to feel hopeless in our pursuit. Eventual disappointment is inevitable. The search engine of our heart keeps coming up empty. There is only one result which fulfills the need. One answer, one truth.

Looking for Truth

I find the Internet a fascinating thing. It's like electricity. The evidence that it works is there yet I can't "see" it, making it difficult to grasp exactly how it works - the effects are there - I click on links, information pops up on the screen, answers are found. However I must beware, the Internet is full of misinformation. How do I know what is true? There are many voices in cyberspace wanting to be heard but not all speak the truth.

An act of Faith

By faith we Google! expecting some type of result. Connecting to this vast invisible web is an act of faith. We can't see it, touch it, taste it....you get the idea. Yet we can connect with it because we see the results. Connecting to our inner spiritual search engine is a bit like typing a word onto the line of an Internet search engine. We must have faith the connection will be made. But there are many voices.

One Truth

When trying to make that spiritual connection with God there are many opinions and deceptions but only one truth. By nature there can only be ONE truth. Everything else can only be opinion or deception. I've found truth in the world to be a fluid thing - constantly changing and subject to interpretation based upon desired results. I simply don't understand that line of thinking. For truth to be reliable it must never change or else it can't possibly be true! Like gravity - if I were able to change it by my own whim how could YOU depend upon it?!

Something to Trust

My next statement will be the jumping off point for many of you. To trust requires faith. God has promised He will never change nor will His word. He says what He means and He means what He says. AND, He says His word is truth; trustworthy, reliable and unchanging. When the search engine of our heart seeks truth, God will be there as a result every time.

The Challenge

Just as gravity can be tested over and over again with the same result, I challenge you to test God - His word - to be true. He was so willing for us to understand Him to be true He came in human form to prove the truth of His love for us. The truth of God, the truth we need and seek, is JESUS. If you seek truth look to Jesus - God's truth in human form. Open the Bible and read how God represents Himself as truth.

Where to Start

If your inner search engine has been coming up empty with no satisfying results, consider what Jesus said of the Bible, God's word is truth (John 17:17), and what the Bible says about Jesus, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1). There you will find your fulfillment, purpose and truth.

1 John 5:20
And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.

Looking Back to See Ahead

Monday, January 7, 2013

Looking back over the past year 2012, I recall a visit with my 94 year old father in November which caused me to reflect upon, and more deeply appreciate, how I've come to be here.

During that visit with my blind, and nearly deaf father, he said to me, "I have a story to tell you." To which I replied, "What story is that, Dad?" He proceeded to tell me the "History of how I came to be here," - in the assisted living home in which he currently resides. I knew this "history" well, having been a part of each decision and move along the way, in the timeline he conveyed. Sadly, his memory didn't place me in any of the events. However, I recognize this wasn't the point for him. It was about him attempting to put his life in order as he lay trapped in a decaying body.

The following day, after hearing Dad's "story", I happened to discover William Bradford's journal, The History of Plymouth Plantation, while chasing a rabbit trail through cyber space researching family history. You see, my American family roots go deep, back to the Pilgrims and their trip across the big pond.  In his journal, spanning some 40 years from 1606-1646, Bradford relates the experiences of those who came to be called Pilgrims, and their plight and history prior to their landing at Plymouth, Massachusetts, establishing Plymouth Plantation.

As I began reading this journal I realized this was also the story of the history of how I came to be here - my American heritage - going much farther back than a few years. The history I began reading spans much more than mere decades or centuries; it spans generations of faith. And, I've come to appreciate in a deeper and more meaningful way, the fact that I am "here" not just in America, but here in faith, by the grace of God and the persistent and tenacious faith of my forefathers. I've discovered a deep gratitude for those who have gone before me, and to the Lord; for surely there were those who, out of the conviction of faith, prayed for the generations who would follow, not only in their family line, but in faith. A humbling revelation and one that encourages me to do the same.

My first reaction to reading such a document was awe and wonder. The strength and conviction of faith which drove these pilgrims through the most trying and difficult of times, withstanding incomprehensible persecution, not only from their own countrymen, but at the hands of others in a near-by nation, when they fled their country for safety, is incredibly amazing. They were imprisoned, killed, burned, among other horrendous acts of inhumanity, all because of their faith in Christ - sadly, nothing new to Christians over the centuries.

Now, I must say, I find many things abhorrent about the Internet, but I am grateful documents such as this are forever "preserved" to be found and read. This is truth. This is history unedited. America is a nation founded on faith regardless of how, as a people, we may try to dodge the subject.

However, America has become a nation prone to rewriting history, leaving out the memory of our founding father's struggle to consecrate a nation founded on faith and freedom in Christ. Documents such as William Bradford's journal reveal the deep conviction of faith held by these pilgrims and founders of our nation. In forgetting, we may find ourselves reliving the very history we've attempted to eliminate.

There is a tide in the nation of America which has turned from God, becoming reliant upon her own strength; a prideful position teetering on a very fine point poised for peril. Within her own "walls", to be "Christian" is becoming, not only a true minority, but derogatory in the eyes of most. We are destroying our own foundation. And without foundation nothing will stand the test of time.

I'm most thankful my foundation and confidence lies not solely on being American but rests upon the cornerstone of Christ; a heritage passed down from generation to generation - more responsibly at times than others - yet remaining none-the-less. I am of the family of God, the nation of the redeemed, from the land of the "free indeed", passing through this world to the eternal home no man has built, but prepared for me by my Creator God. How I came to be here was by His hand, with one purpose, and that is to share with others the heritage of Christ that is available to all who believe, regardless of nationality. It's that simple.

Would you like to join the family?

I realize this sounds like a ridiculous question after discussing persecution and discrimination of the very family I'm inviting you to join. But let's look past American history and view world history. The family of God has persisted where nations have fallen - even to the point of extinction. Nations of this world will come to an end, families will cease to exist, yet God preserves His own. He always has, He always will. This is His promise. He has yet to fail. The reward so much greater.

So, you see, I am grateful for my Dad's "story". It became the catalyst of reflection for my own life. And even though I may be erased from portions of my father's memory at times, I realize I'm never missing from my Heavenly Father's thoughts (that's His promise). My story is a testimony of the history of His work passed down through the ages of time - not of an earthly family but a heavenly one - bringing me to this point where I can see what my future holds.

Won't you join me in this new family?

Whatever your story may be, it has not escaped God's knowledge. Whether a story of faith or rebellion, He understands. You may have become like the nation of America, trying to eliminate God from your history, but He has used your history to bring you to the place where you can see your future. What is that going to be?

Wouldn't you like to join God's family?

If so, just thank God for giving you the opportunity to join His family, for the fact that He has given you a future and a hope through Christ His Son, who by paying the price for all you've done wrong, erased that from His memory, giving you new life - eternal life.

Welcome to the family!

At this point some of you may be thinking, But what about me? It's hopeless. I have no heritage of faith, no one has gone before me in prayer, no one has even loved me enough to care.

The good news is God has provided exactly for you - Jesus, who died for you has also been the One standing before God in prayer for you. HE is your heritage. HE is your predecessor in prayer, HE is the One who holds faith for you until you are able to receive it for yourself. God loves you THAT much. He loves us all that much. He doesn't want to loose any of us to sin - but it's our choice.

Just as my predecessors may have prayed the distance for me, it had to be my choice to receive what God has done for me; to appreciate those distant prayers, and Jesus death for me, before I was even aware they happened.

So, you see, it's never too late, too hopeless or too distant for you. The moment is now...

The Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100:5